An event every week that begins at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, repeating until January 29, 2025
Join us on Wednesday evenings for some fun with games, including Scrabble, Hulo!, Guess in 10, Mantis, Kūkulu, What Next?, Blokus XL, chess, dominoes, cribbage and more!
Come with someone you know or make a new friend! Pick out a game at the Circulation Desk and find a spot to play.
Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity should contact library staff as soon as possible. Advance requests 48 hours or more before the event are encouraged, but not required. All programs are subject to change. See a schedule of upcoming events on the HSPLS Events Calendar.