In partnership with the Molokai Arts Center, we present Lynn Schuette, Artist in Residence for the Center visiting from the San Diego, California area. Her practice includes painting, drawing and mixed media. Schuette often explores the body and nature, ranging from classical figurative and landscape painting to anatomical/medical imagery often laced with contemporary social issues. Since 1987, she has created fourteen series of works including Bloodstorm, an exploration of boxing, 1990-92; Mi oeste perdido (My Lost West), elemental landscapes, times of day and weather conditions, using white, black and yellow ochre only, 2004-2009; and The Beauty Project which included sixty-four paintings generated from answers to a question about beauty, 2010. Recent works include the Stay Romantic Series including Warpaint featured in shows on the mainland. You’ll enjoy learning more about her body of works and have an opportunity to ask her questions about her process and works.