Enhanced services

The Hawaii State Public Library System provides the following enhanced services for library users. Click on the service in which you are interested in for more information.

Books by mail

A public library may provide, as an enhanced service, the delivery of a borrowed book to a library customer by mail. Library customers utilizing this service may request the delivery by mail of only circulating library material.

There will be a service fee of $3 for each item mailed plus all applicable postage charges. The charges shall be assessed upon the customer’s library card account. All applicable terms and conditions for borrowing library material shall also apply to books borrowed and delivered by mail. Items will be mailed to the mailing address on record and will be sent by United States mail, first class.

The loan period for library material borrowed through the books by mail service is twenty-eight days. The loan period begins on the date the library material is checked out on the customer’s library card. The loan period ends when the library material is received and checked in by an HSPLS library. Library material returned after the due date shall be considered overdue and fines shall be assessed in accordance with our Administrative Rules. Library material borrowed through the books by mail service shall be returned at any public library.

Custom research

Custom research service may be made available at any HSPLS library. Library customers may request assistance with research that requires extensive consultation and specialized research knowledge or expertise of a librarian to investigate a complex question or information request by analyzing, creating, interpreting, compiling, indexing, or otherwise synthesizing specific or detailed information from numerous primary, secondary, or interdisciplinary resources within the system or from libraries or other resources not within the system.

If a library branch offers this service, it will charge a minimum fee of $60 for each request or project plus $60 per hour. Custom research service in excess of one hour shall be charged on a quarter hour basis.

A library customer may be charged any other applicable charge or fee necessary to complete or otherwise perform the custom research, including any computer charges levied by an external database; information retrieval costs, including interlibrary loan charges, telecopying, photocopying, postage, or handling, assessed by libraries not within the system or from other resources; and all applicable copyright fees and charges. All enhanced service fees and charges shall be applied against the library customer’s library card account.

The library customer requesting custom research service assumes any and all risks and liabilities and waives any claims against a public library arising from any information or research provided by a public library through the custom research service.

Interlibrary loans

If the Hawaii State Public Library System (HSPLS) does not have the particular item you want, the Interlibrary Loan Section at the Hawaii State Library can help you borrow it or get photocopies from libraries outside of our system. Click the following link to download the HSPLS Interlibrary Loan Request Form

In order to use the Interlibrary Loan service, you must:

  • Have a current HSPLS library card.
  • Have less than $10.00 in fines and charges.
  • Agree to the HSPLS service charge ($10.00 per item search).
  • Agree to the applicable copyright restrictions.

Complete an Interlibrary Loan Request form and submit it to any public libraryThere is a $10.00 non-refundable fee for each item once the OCLC ILL database search is initiated. Lending Libraries may charge additional fees. These charges may vary depending on the lending library’s policies. On the ILL request form, you can indicate the maximum amount of additional charges you are willing to pay.

Searches and loan arrangements require communication with other libraries and it may take several weeks for the requested item(s) to arrive. Mailing can sometimes be expedited for an additional charge.

If you are not an HSPLS cardholder, you can request items from our library system through the local community library system to which you belong. We use the OCLC ILL request software or the ALA ILL request form. Our fees to institutions outside of our system are $15.00 per item provided, or $1.25 per page for photocopies.

For more information, contact the Hawaii State Library’s Interlibrary Loan Section at (808) 586-3624 or by e-mail at ohsill@librarieshawaii.org

Photocopying and mailing documents

A public library may make available, as an enhanced service, the photocopying or mailing of documents to a library customer. “Photocopying” includes the use of a microform reader and printer, photocopier, printer, or any other equipment utilized to copy information in any format in accordance with all copyright regulations.

A library customer who requests a photocopy of a document will be assessed an enhanced service fee of not less than 25 cents per page. The customer may be assessed additional charges for color or special feature copying.

A public library may assess an additional enhanced service fee of $1 per page to mail photocopied documents from any public library to a library customer. Enhanced service fees shall be assessed upon a library customer’s library card account.

Test proctoring

Select public libraries provide test proctoring services for library users. There is a charge of $10 per test plus any additional costs required. Check the library’s branch page to see if test proctoring is available. Please contact the library branch to make arrangements in advance.

ALERT | In holiday observance of Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana‘ole Day, all public libraries will be closed
on Wednesday, March 26, 2025.