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Word | Definition |
Angel | (n) - 1. Evil genius, demon 2. Good genius, darling 3. Gold coin, having as its device the archangel Michael |
Ape | (n) - 1. Imitator 2. Fool 3. Term of endearment |
Apple-john | (n) - A kind of apple with a shriveled skin (associated with St. John's Day.) |
Assail | (vb) - Address with offers of love, woo, attempt to seduce |
Atomy | (adj) - 1. atom, mote, minute mark 2. Tiny being, mite |
Barnacle | (n) - Species of goose, believes to have begun life as a barnacle |
Bass-court | (n) - Lower courtyard, servant’s courtyard |
Beef-witted | (adj) - Beef-brained, thick-witted, brainless |
Beetle-headed | (adj) - Thick-headed, doltish |
Beslubbering | (adv) - Besmearing, bedaubing, spreading thickly |
Best-tempered | (adj) - Most skillfully crafted, of the finest quality [as of metal] |
Biddy | (n) - Fowl, chicken |
Bilbo | (n) - Well tempered sword (the test used to establish...) |
Bladder | (n) - Boil, pustule |
Boil-brained | (adj) - Hot-head, maniac, headstrong fellow |
Bombard | (n) - Leather jug for liquor |
Bombast | (n) - Cotton wool used for padding or stuffing |
Bootless | (adv) - Fruitlessly, uselessly, unsuccessfully, in vain; (adj) fruitless, useless, worthless |
Bug-bear | (n) - Hobgoblin, bogeyman |
Bully | (n) - A term of endearment and familiarity, fine fellow, a good friend |
Candle-Waster | (n) - Student, who sits late over his books |
Carbuncle | (n) - Precious stone of a red or firey color |
Churlish | (adj) - 1. Rude, blunt, ungracious 2. Violent, rough, harsh 3. Stiff, hard, unyielding |
Clay-brained | (adj) - Stupid |
Clouted | (adj) - Metal-studded, hobnailed |
Cockered | (adj) - Spoiled, indulged, pampered |
Craven | (adj) 1. Cowardly, weak-hearted, spineless 2. (n) [Cockfighting] Cock that shows no fighting spirit, coward 3. (v) Make cowardly, make timorous |
Currish | (adj) - Mean-spirited, snarling, quarrelsome |
Dankish | (adj) - Dank, damp, humid |
Dewberry | (n) - Variety of blackberry |
Dismal-dreaming | (adv) - Full of ill-boding dreams |
Dissembling | 1. (adj) Deceitful, hypocritical, false 2. (n) Pretense, deceit, dissimulation |
Earth-Vexing | (n) - Troubling man's life |
Eight Penny | (adj) - Of little value |
Enjoy | (vb) - Possession of or use |
Errant | (adj) - Wandering, straying, erring |
Fat-kidneyed | (adj) - Gross and lubberly |
Fawn | (v) - Revel, gloat, show delight |
Ferret | (vb) - To worry |
Fitchew, Fitchook | (n) - A polecat |
Fobbing | (v) - Put off with a trick, get rid of, dispose of |
Frothy | (n) 1. Insubstantial thing, empty moment 2. (v) Make beer foam up |
Froward | (adj) - 1. Perverse, obstinate, willful, ungovernable 2. adverse, unfavorable, contrary |
Fustilarian | (n) - Smelly old woman |
Fut | (n) - God's foot |
Gleeking | 1. To Gleek (n) taunt, jibe, insult 2. (v) Make a pointed joke, jest, gibe |
Glut | (vb) - 1. To swallow greedily, 2. To satiate |
Gorbellied | (adj) - Pot-bellied, fat-paunched |
Harpy | (n) - Half woman/ half vulture |
Ill-bred | (adj) - Badly brought up, lacking good manners |
Impertinent | (adj) - 1. Irrelevant, beside the point 2. Malapropism for ‘pertinent’ |
Infectious | To infect (v) affect, influence, stir |
Jolt head | (n) - Blockhead, dolt, numskull |
Loggerheaded | (adj) - Thick-headed, stupid, doltish |
Lumpish | (adj) - Despondent, dejected, in low spirits |
Mammer | (v) - Stammer, hesitate, mutter |
Mangled | (adj) - To wound, gash, hack |
Mew | (v) - To mew like a cat, cry feebly |
Month's Mind | (n) - Inclination, liking |
Motley-minded | (adj) - Foolish |
Nose-herb | (n) - Scented plant, herb for smelling [as opposed to eating] |
Nut-hook | (n) - Constable, officer (a hook for pulling down nuts, hence a thief) |
Oniin-eyed | (adj) - Eyes filled with tears |
Pathetical | (adj) - 1. Moving, affecting 2. (Derogatory) Pitiable, despicable, contemptible |
Paunch | (v) - Stab in the paunch, wound in the stomach |
Pigeon egg | (n) - Something very small or insignificant |
Pribble | (vb) - Vain chatter and silly quarreling |
Puny | (adj) - Untried, inexperienced |
Rank | (adj) - 1. Growing in abundance, excessively luxuriant (unattractively) 2. Foul smelling, stinking 3. Foul, festering, diseased 4. Gross, outlandish, coarse 5. Lascivious, lustful, lewd |
Reeky | (adj) - Foul-smelling, smoky |
Roguish | (adj) - Wild |
Rump-fed | (adj) - Pampered |
Scut | (n) - Short tail (as of a deer) |
Sith | (adv) - Since that time |
Smilet | (n) - Slight smile |
Spleeny | (adj) - Hot-headed, over-emotional |
Spongy | (adj) - 1. Rainy, damp, soggy 2. Soaked with drink, drunken |
Surly | (adj) - 1. Imperious, haughty, arrogant 2. Gloomy, dismal, stern |
Sweet-suggesting | (adj) - Sweetly tempting, seductive, irresistible |
Tiger-footed | (adj) - Fierce and swift |
Tottering | (adj) - 1. Wavering, vacillating, fluctuating 2. Tattered, ragged, frayed |
True-penny | (n) - An honest or trusty person |
Vain | (adj) - 1. Foolish, silly, stupid 2. Worthless, idle, useless, empty 3. (n) Deceptive, false idle (in words) |
Varlet | (n) - Knave, rogue, rascal |
Venomed | (adj) - Venomous, poisonous |
Villainous | (adj) - Vilely, detestably |
Wafer-cake | (n) - Type of thin, lightweight cake |
Wag | (n) - Mischievous boy |
Warped | (adj) - Twisted, distorted |
Wayward | (adj) - 1. Perverse, unreasonable, awkward 2. Changeable, capricious, erratic, 3. Hostile, contrary, antagonistic |
Weedy | (adj) - Made of weeds |
Weeping-ripe | (adj) - Ready to weep, on the point of tears |
Young-eyed | (adj) - Having the bright or lively eyes of a young person. Frequently figurative (chiefly poetic): energetic lively, enthusiastic; naive; new. |
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