Ko‘olauloa Battle of the Books

Saturday, April 6, 2024
Turtle Bay Resorts | Kahuku, Oahu


Battle of the books logoLearn more about the Ko‘olauloa Battle of the Books program by clicking on the following links:

What is Battle of the Books?photo of Battle of the Books final competition

The Ko‘olauloa Battle of the Books is an afterschool program for Oahu’s North Shore area elementary students that makes reading social. It’s similar to a child’s version of a game show where teams compete for prizes by answering the most questions correctly about books from pre-selected reading lists. It is organized by the Kahuku Public and School Library, implemented by parent volunteers and supported by participating school’s staff.

2015-2016 Participating Schools: Kahuku, La’ie, Homeschool, and Hau’ula Elementary Schools
FInal Competition held at Turtle Bay Resorts on March 11, 2016.

2016-2017 Participating Schools: Sunset Beach, Kahuku, La’ie, Hau’ula Elementary Schools Final Competition held at Turtle Bay Resorts on April 1, 2017.

2017-2018 Participating Schools: Sunset Beach, Kahuku, La’ie, Hau’ula, Homeschool, and Ka’a’awa Elementary Schools. Final Competition held at Turtle Bay Resorts on April 6, 2018.

2018-2019 Participating Schools: Sunset Beach, Kahuku, La’ie, Hau’ula, and Asia Pacific International School. Final Competition held at Turtle Bay Resorts on April 5, 2019.

2020-2021 was cancelled due to COVID-19.

The competition resumed in 2022-2023 with the following schools: Asia Pacific International School, Hau’ula, Kahuku, La’ie, and Sunset Beach Elementary Schools on Saturday, April 29, 2023 at Turtle Bay Resorts.

Who can participate?photo of battle of the books hauula vs homeschool

Students in the 1st through 6th grades living in the Ko’olauloa area can compete in this program, as long as they have parent or teacher coach(es) who can represent their team(s) at program meetings, lead team activities, and act as a liaison between the school administration, students, and the public library.

How does Battle of the Books work?

Public Librarian compiles the reading list, sets up public library display, recruits volunteers, participates in school outreach events, holds coaches meetings, and organizes the final district competition. Adult volunteer coach(es) coordinate with elementary school administrators to promote, recruit, and organize teams. Each coach is responsible for creating a schedule that best fits their school. Since there are 3 divisions (Division I – 1st and 2nd grades; Division II – 3rd and 4th grades; Division III – 5th and 6th grades) a minimum of 3 coaches per school is advised. School librarians may put together a display of the books featured on this year’s list. Multiple copies can also be found at the Kahuku Public and School Library, the Hawaii State Public Library System’s (HSPLS) 51 other branches and/or HSPLS’ digital book vendor Libby. Also, participating schools may borrow book bundles from Kahuku Public and School Library.

Meeting Times: Students and coaches may meet once a month for the first couple months of the program and then once a week leading up to the school and district competitions.

When did Battle of the Books start?photo of Battle of the Books ice breaker group

Ko‘olauloa Battle of the Books has been around for decades on the mainland. In Hawaii, it started in 2015. The reading list is released during the month of May for the following school year. The final competition will be held in the spring (March or April). Students from the participating schools will need to win at their school level competitions to qualify for district competition.

Does it cost anything to participate?

This competition is completely free for students! School librarians, administrators, and parents may consider purchasing extra copies of the Ko‘olauloa Battle of the Books titles to accommodate more teams, but the titles can also be requested for free using the Hawaii State Public Library System and/or found in the school library.

How were the books selected for the Battle of the Books?photo of Battle of the Books Kahuku Team meeting

The Kahuku Public and School Library modeled its program on America’s Battle of the Books; therefore some of the titles came from this national program. We customized the program to include Hawaiian/Pacific Islander books and to expand the program to 1st and 2nd graders, as well. The books were selected on the following criteria:

  • input from existing Battle of the Books supporters, such as parent coaches and teachers;
  • award-winning literature for children;
  • book about Hawaiian/Pacific Islander cultures; and a
  • balance of genres (Historical Fiction/Graphic Novel/Classic/Science Fiction).

Do students need to read all the Battle of the Books titles for their division?

No, students can read the titles that are suited for their reading level. Collectively, the team should have read all the books on their division list for the best chance at the school and district competition.

What if my child finishes reading all the books on the list before the school competitions in February?photo of Battle of the Books Laie schoolwide competiton

That’s a good problem! Students who read all the books can still enjoy attending the team meetings where a variety of extension activities will be organized by team coaches AND quiz their team members to make their team stronger competitors AND reread their books to make sure they have a solid foundation of their book’s settings, characters, plots, etc. until the school and district competitions.

How can I volunteer or get more information about the Battle of the Books?

Please contact Tamara King, Librarian – Kahuku Public and School Library at (808) 293-8935 or send an email to Tamara King.

In observance of the General Election Day holiday, all public libraries will be closed on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

In observance of the Veterans' Day holiday, all public libraries will be closed from Saturday to Monday, November 9-11, 2024.