An event every week that begins at 11:00 am on Monday, repeating until July 5, 2023
Auntie Pua Conley was born in Keaukaha, and raised here in East Hawaii. She loves ukulele and hula and plays with the Na Ho’aloha Hula gals, who perform regularly around the community. She looks forward to sharing her ukulele skills during lessons this summer.
It is recommended to reserve your place in the class ahead of time. Bring your own ukulele or borrow one from the library! NOTE: The first class will be Tuesday, June 13 because Monday, the 12th is a holiday. All following classes will meet on Mondays.
Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity should contact library staff as soon as possible. Advance requests 48 hours or more before the event are encouraged, but not required.
All programs are subject to change. See a schedule of upcoming events at