1,000 Books Before Kindergarten!

Oahu - Kapolei 1020 Manawai St, Kapolei, HI, United States

Parents and caregivers are the first education providers during the 0-5 early critical years. The 1000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge is a simple  and fun […]

Keiki Storytime

Oahu - Kapolei 1020 Manawai St, Kapolei, HI, United States

Storytimes for preschool age children feature themed stories, rhymes, and songs. Most storytimes will be followed by a simple activity. All children must be accompanied […]

Little Keiki Learning Center

Oahu - Kapolei 1020 Manawai St, Kapolei, HI, United States

Studies have shown that reading with your little one helps to develop many pre-literacy skills and is a great opportunity for bonding. The goal is […]

Keiki Storytime

Oahu - Kapolei 1020 Manawai St, Kapolei, HI, United States

Storytimes for preschool age children feature themed stories, rhymes, and songs. Most storytimes will be followed by a simple activity. All children must be accompanied […]

Play Morning

Oahu - Kapolei 1020 Manawai St, Kapolei, HI, United States

Join us for Play Morning!  Our independent playtimes allow children access to a wide array of educational toys as well as provide a great atmosphere […]

Dungeons and Dragons with Aloha Adventurers Guild!

Oahu - Kapolei 1020 Manawai St, Kapolei, HI, United States

     Want to try Dungeons and Dragons?  The Aloha Adventurers Guild will guide you through the foundations of this legendary tabletop game.  Our session […]

ALERT | In observance of Presidents' Day, all public libraries will be closed from Saturday to Monday, February 15 to 17, 2025.