Loan policies and returns

Library for the Blind and Print Disabled

Loan policy

  • Eligible patrons who borrow materials from the Library for the Blind and Print Disabled accept responsibility for handling materials with reasonable care, and returning them to us by the due date.
  • The loan period for books and magazines in all formats is 4 weeks.
  • No fines for overdue books/materials will be levied; however, patrons are urged to return materials on time so the items can be available for other patrons.

Returning materials

  • If materials or equipment are defective or in the wrong container, please contact LBPD.
  • Make sure that any books, magazines, or equipment returned meets the FREE MATTER postal regulations (see below).
  • When returning materials by mail, please remove the address card in book container pocket, and make sure the library’s address is visible.
  • Please notify us if the book is defective or if you want another copy sent.

Mailing instructions

  • If you wish to change your mailing schedule or the number of books you wish to receive, please notify LBPD so we can follow your instructions.
  • For patrons who request books “On Demand,” books will be sent only when you instruct LBPD to do so.
  • For those using the “On Demand” option, when you send a request list to LBPD, please indicate on the list how many books you would like sent at one time.
  • For those using the “Turnaround” option, return each cartridge as you finish reading it. Returning all the cartridges at one time will result in your receiving only 1 cartridge in return.

Postal regulations “Free matter for the blind and handicapped”

  • Library materials and special equipment are sent via “FREE MATTER FOR THE BLIND OR HANDICAPPED” to eligible patrons. These items should be returned in the same manner.
  • Letters qualify for postage-free mailing ONLY if the following apply:
    • The sender is blind or a qualified print disabled individual.
    • The letter is unsealed.
    • The letter is in a form usable by blind or print disabled persons, i.e. braille, 14-point or larger font, or in a recorded format.
  • Do not send handwritten letters or letters in standard type via “FREE MATTER…”
  • Do not place any correspondence to the library in the containers or boxes. Contact us by phone.

In observance of the General Election Day holiday, all public libraries will be closed on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

In observance of the Veterans' Day holiday, all public libraries will be closed from Saturday to Monday, November 9-11, 2024.