Safe workplace policy

Policy 600-3

The Hawaii State Public Library System is responsible for providing a safe and harmonious workplace. All employees are responsible for maintaining a safe and harmonious work environment. Workplace violence will not be tolerated under any circumstances and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Employees shall report all suspected or potential incidents of workplace violence to their supervisors. Supervisors shall process all reported or observed incidents in accordance with any applicable statute, policy, rule, regulation, program requirement, or contract agreement.

Workplace violence includes but is not limited to acts involving physical attack, property damage, as well as verbal statements that a reasonable person would perceive as expressing or suggesting intent to cause physical or mental harm to another person. Examples of violent behaviors include but are not limited to hitting, pushing, or shoving; throwing or breaking of an object; shouting or yelling, threatening gestures or remarks; disruptive or hostile actions; abusive or belligerent language; sabotage of equipment; repetitive unwanted phone calls, notes, e-mails; or other similar acts.

Approved: 12/06/07

ALERT | In observance of Presidents' Day, all public libraries will be closed from Saturday to Monday, February 15 to 17, 2025.