Internet use guidelines

The resources that are available via the Internet can expand the library’s information services well beyond its physical collections.

HSPLS’ objective is to maximize access to authoritative online resources and has developed guidelines to allow fair access to the many users who want to use these resources.  Anyone requiring special accommodations to use the Internet computers should ask a library staff member for help.

1. Library users must register and present their own valid HSPLS library card to use the Internet computers as well as to print from any public printer. A valid library card means an active library card below established thresholds for claims returned and fines, fees, and charges. No other forms of ID will be accepted.

Exception: An HSPLS Library card is not required to access Federal government information or publications at the dedicated Internet computers located at designated Depository Public Libraries. See Guideline No. 17 below for more information.

2. Due to technical incompatibilities, network down times, or computer maintenance, HSPLS cannot guarantee access, and will not extend sessions or allow replacement reservations due to the following situations:

  • Inability to connect to the Internet
  • Inability to connect to specific Internet sites
  • Inability to download or print files
  • Connection speed
  • Other unanticipated problems

3. In compliance with the Federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), filtering software has been installed on all HSPLS Internet computers. An adult, defined by CIPA as a person at least 17 years of age, may ask library staff to disable the filter.

4. Internet access is offered on a self-service basis. Customers shall assume full responsibility for learning to use the equipment and resources provided by HSPLS. If users encounter technical problems during their sessions, they should notify a staff member immediately, with a description of exactly where they were and what they were doing when the problem occurred. These problems will be addressed as staff time permits. Library staff do not have expertise with all Internet sites and resources and may not be able to assist with specific programs or problems.

5. Reference staff will assist library users by recommending and explaining how to use HSPLS’ subscription databases, eBooks, and other digital collections as well as other authoritative web-based reference resources. Reference staff may assist library users who are searching for additional subject material on the Internet as time allows.

6. Only downloading to a personal portable storage device is allowed. *Warning*: Files downloaded from the Internet may contain viruses. HSPLS will not be responsible for any damage to users’ personal portable storage devices, computers and/or files resulting from their use of the Internet computers.

7. Normally Internet computers will be available during library business hours.  However, some library computers may not be available for general use but may be limited by library staff to meet reference service and other programming needs.

8. One 60 minute Internet session may be reserved per seven-day period, generally Sunday through Saturday. The limit of one reserved session per week applies to all Internet computers system wide. Each 60 minute session may be reserved beginning on the hour or half-hour.

9. Some libraries may offer 15-minute express computers on a space available basis. Users must have their own valid HSPLS library card, and no reservations will be taken for these computers.

10. Walk-ins can be accommodated whenever an Internet computer is free and when there are no reservations. A walk-in will be limited to the amount of time remaining in the current session.

11. The last session of the day may be shorter than the normal session because of library closing procedures.

12. Downloading and printing must be completed within each reservation or walk-in session. Internet users will receive up to three end-of-session alerts. HSPLS is not responsible for incomplete downloads or printing

13. Internet computers are in public areas in HSPLS libraries. By agreeing to this Internet use statement, users accept responsibility and acknowledge that some sites may reasonably be deemed offensive to other library customers, and that images on the screen may be viewed by a wide audience. Not all content on the Internet is appropriate for viewing by all library customers. Library users may be asked to discontinue accessing sites or engaging in other Internet behavior which others may find inappropriate.

14. The nature of the Internet requires customers to exercise critical thinking skills to determine if content is truthful, relevant and appropriate. Parents and legal guardians may need to provide guidance for their own children including discussion of their family values. Library staff will not provide extensive supervision of children as they explore the Internet. The responsibility for what minors read or view on the Internet rests with their parents or legal guardians, who should instruct children never to give out personal information (including name, address, password, telephone number, and credit card information) online.

15. Library users will agree to access the Internet using HSPLS computers and connections in compliance with all Federal and State laws and with HSPLS Internet policies, guidelines, and procedures:

  • The First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution does not protect all content. No HSPLS public access computer may be used to view or display obscenity, child pornography, or other illegal content. The legal status of any particular content can be determined only by a court of law with proper jurisdiction.
  • A work protected by copyright law may not be copied without permission of the copyright owner unless the proposed use falls within the definition of “fair use.”  Customers are responsible for compliance with all state, national and international laws governing copyrighted materials.
  • Prohibited behavior includes the use of library computers for unauthorized access, including hacking, spamming, or other unlawful activities.
  • Users are not permitted to invade the privacy of other people or intrude upon their rights. Harassment of library staff or other individuals is prohibited.
  • Other prohibited behaviors include, but may not be limited to: damaging or disrupting computer resources and networks; changing the settings and configurations of public access computers; installing non-library software on library computers; use of library computers for chat, game playing, and audio and video downloads.

16. RESPONSE TO PROHIBITED BEHAVIORS AND CONTENT: Misuse of a public access computer will result in the loss of computer privileges, potential loss of library privileges, and possible legal action.

17. One Internet computer located at each Federal Depository Library (Hawaii State Library, Kahului Public Library, and Lihue Public Library) will be dedicated to accessing Federal government publications and information. Library cards are not required to use these computers to access Federal documents. Free access to these computers will be allowed as an extension of the depository library’s collection and as provided in 44 USC 1911: United States Code, Title 44, Section 1911. However, customers will need a valid HSPLS library card in order to print copies of their research results.

Adopted: March 8, 2007

In observance of the Labor Day holiday, all public libraries will be closed from Saturday to Monday, August 31 to September 2, 2024.