House rules

(Auth: HRS §§302A-1120, 312-1) (Imp: HRS §312-1)
[Revised May 24, 2010]

Library card

A library card is required before a customer may borrow or use library material or request enhanced services. Failure to promptly inform the library that the customer’s card has been lost or stolen may cause the customer to be responsible for material borrowed. (Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 8 Department of Education, Subtitle 3 Public Libraries, 200.6-2)

Library material security

Any library customer leaving a public library with library material shall be required to charge the library material out using a valid HSPLS library card. (8-201.1-4)


Smoking is prohibited within a public library and within twenty feet from any entrance, exit, windows that open and ventilation intakes that serve an enclosed or partially enclosed area. (8-201.1-5)

Alcoholic beverages

Consumption and use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on public library property. (8-201.1-6)

Food consumption

Eating and drinking are prohibited in a public library except that refreshments may be served in a meeting room, or as otherwise authorized by the state librarian or library manager. (8-201.1-7)


Animals, other than service animals, are prohibited from a public library, unless otherwise authorized by the library manager or designee. A service animal means any animal that is trained to provide those life activities limited by the disability of the person. (8-201.1-8)


(a) Skates shall not be worn or used in or on public library property, unless otherwise authorized by the library manager. (b) As used in this section, “skates” include roller skates, inline skates, skateboards, and any other instrument containing wheels which is subject to being ridden. (8-201.1-9)

Unattended child

The public library shall not be responsible for the care of any child left unattended in a public library. The parent or guardian shall be responsible at all times for a child on public library property. A child aged five and below left unattended by a parent, guardian, adult, or other responsible person may be reported to the police or other appropriate public agency. (8-201.1-10)

Use of electrical outlet

Use of electrical outlets on public library property is prohibited unless otherwise authorized by a library manager. The use of an electrical outlet for the purposes of personal consumption of food or drink or for personal hygiene is prohibited. (8-201.1-11)

Personal property

Neither the public library nor the public library staff is responsible for personal items left, stolen, or damaged on public library property. (8-201.1-12)

Disruptive behavior

Behavior deemed disruptive by the library staff shall be prohibited at all times. If the library customer continues to display disruptive behavior after being warned by the library manager, the customer shall be requested to leave the library until the disruptive behavior has ceased. Prohibited disruptive behavior is that which unduly interferes with a reasonable library customer’s quiet enjoyment and use of the public library. Examples are: fighting; excessive and/or loud noise; display of offensive images on internet terminals; offensive body odor. (8-201.1-13)

Unlawful or malicious damage

Any person who unlawfully or maliciously cuts, tears, defaces, disfigures, soils, obliterates, breaks, or otherwise damages any library material shall be referred to the library manager, and if necessary, shall be reported to the police. (8-201.1-14)

Denial of use

Any person violating any decision or order of the state librarian, library manager, or any administrative rule governing HSPLS, may be denied use of a public library for a period of time to be determined by the library manager or state librarian. (8-201.1-16)

ALERT | In observance of Presidents' Day, all public libraries will be closed from Saturday to Monday, February 15 to 17, 2025.