
Woman wearing leis in graduation photo and smiling

“I am forever grateful to our public library system and the opportunities to learn and live and grow.”

I was born on O’ahu and moved all over the island, starting in Kapalama, then to Kaimuki, to Waialua, back to Kapalama, Waianae, and currently both Aiea and Nanakuli part time. While my home was always changing and I felt out of place like I didn’t belong anywhere, I found comfort in my local library. The first library I frequented was the Kalihi-Palama location. Minutes from my house, I got my own library card when I was 5 years old and begged my parents to take me whenever possible. I discovered myself, lived thousands of lives between those 4 walls, it was my favorite place in the world. Whenever we moved, I made sure to locate the library and the best route there from my house. I was home among the pages, despite feeling disconnected from my actual house. As I’ve gotten older, this has not changed. Whenever I had to go somewhere, like work in Moiliili or paddling practice in Waikiki, visiting friends in Hawaii Kai or my aunty in Kaneohe, the library was a pit stop, and I would get lost there for hours. I am forever grateful to our public library system and the opportunities to learn and live and grow. Living in Nanakuli now, I am so out of my mind jumping out of my skin excited for the new library that is being constructed. I know once the Nanakuli library is completed, I will definitely have found my way back home.

– Kamanukea

Thank you, Kamanukea, for telling your story!

Kamanukea’s favorite book

Cover of book Stargirl

Jerry Spinelli

Tell us your story!

What are you doing when you are where you belong?

In observance of the Labor Day holiday, all public libraries will be closed from Saturday to Monday, August 31 to September 2, 2024.