Selected collection

Proquest Digital Microfilm logo wide Proquest Digital Microfilm indexes the Honolulu Advertiser/Honolulu Star-Advertiser newspapers in the published format, including all the ads and inserts. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser + Honolulu Advertiser selection displays newspapers from June 1, 2010 to current.
Topic(s) Hawaii, current events
Target audience(s) General public
Great for Staying abreast of current events, researching local events
Content source(s) ProQuest
Content type(s) Newspapers, advertisements
Provider ProQuest LLC
Language(s) English
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Where can I use this? At a specific branch

Hawaii State Library, Kaimuki Library, Kaneohe Library, Kahului Library, and Hilo Library

Can I use this on my computer? No

In observance of the Labor Day holiday, all public libraries will be closed from Saturday to Monday, August 31 to September 2, 2024.